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Known Bugs, Errors & Glitches

Best way of avoiding bugs, errors and glitches

If you are encountering a lot of bugs, errors or glitches, the best way to fix this is to run the game compatible for windows 7 or 8. If you want to experiment with the compatibility of the game, you can change this to windows XP/Vista or any other older version before windows 7. We do not guarantee whether this will work! But We are pretty sure about windows 7 or 8. To change compatibility, go to the 'Game.exe' file in the downloaded folder. Click the right mouse button and a menu will appear. Go to 'Properties'. Go to the tab 'Compatibility' and look for the section 'Compatibility mode'. Change this to windows 7 or 8 and most problems should now be fixed. There is more information about bugs on our Discord server.

House of Screams

When you enter the House of Screams, the darkness expands for a few seconds. After that, everything is fine, but the expansion itself is kind of buggy. If you move while this is happening, the screen won't know what to do and does some weird things... We recommand just standing still for 3 seconds and everything should be fine!

Partner Talking Problem

Talking to your partner has a chance of crashing the game. This is not guaranteed it will happen, but there is a chance. This will most likely occur when you enter a different map than on which you teamed up with your partner. My suggestion is not talking to your partner when you already have encountered some bugs/errors or glitches. But again, it's not guaranteed it will happen. If you'd like to experiment, go ahead.


Using Dig

When you buy Dig at Snowleaf Temple, you can use Dig to flee from caves. The Dig-bug allows you to use Dig outside of a cave as well which means where ever you use it, you will be sent back to the entrance of the cave you've last entered. Don't use Dig in the Distortion World! You will get stuck! The bug happens only when you use Dig for the first time. After that, Dig works like it's supposed to. We're working on the game to fix this bug but unfortunately, we haven't found a solution yet.

Fossil Reviver

When you get to Clay City, you can also interract with the Fossil Reviver. For some weird reason the Fossil Reviver doesn't work like it's supposed to, so we made an alternative way to get fossils revived. It works just the same as normally, but the only problem is that you HAVE TO STAY at the Fossil Reviver's house. If you leave, the whole process has to start again. Don't worry, we made it so it doesn't take very long.


I fixed the bridges as good as possible. The only thing you can't do on a bridge is saving. If you save your game when you're standing on a bridge, it will cause you to end up underneath the bridge. Please, do not try this. You might get stuck, get weird graphical glitches or you won't be able to progress! For more information about bridges, read 'Surf'.


When facing water and interacting with it, everything should work fine. Though there are several areas where you can surf where you're not supposed to. As far as I know, every bridge with water underneath it is surfable which means you can surf on a bridge. Interacting with events that are on water is quite buggy as well, the game will most likely ask you if you'd like to surf. Careful with this glitch! If you say yes, you'll most likely not be able to get out of the "water" again which results in a soft reset!

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